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ELE- Elevated Link Exchange

Interlock Dynamic distributes coded assets online that include high value linguist syntax structures containing exact match product values and attributions.

These distributed assets match consumers’ past, present and future search establishing Elevated Link Exchanges.

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PLE- Paid Link Exchange

After distributing Elevated Link Exchanges online, search engines index these links and establish a direct connection to the Amazon ASIN.

Our link exchange process triggers Amazon to pay the search engine for the link transfer converting the Elevated Link Exchange to a Paid Link Exchange.

These micro link payments accelerate the search engine to drive more qualified traffic to the ASIN.

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ALI- Advanced Link Indexing

After the distributed ELE and PLE are established, Interlock Dynamic’s robust linguistic syntax sorting algorithms can identify, reveal, and extract a wider range of phrase and meaning related to the product values and attributions.

The expansion of product range identifiers increases the range of advanced link indexing which drives even more direct ASIN connections.


PAE- Passive Active Engagement

Interlock Dynamic’s system engineers Elevated Link Exchanges that convert into Paid Link Exchanges that become Passive Active Engagements online.

These distributed assets are passive until a consumer searches for a product that is indexed and linked to the ASIN, as an exact match product delivering an active engagement.

These PAE are like placing a small seed and over time, this seed grows into a fruit bearing tree that drives PAE traffic to your ASIN.

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LSL- Linguistic Syntax Looping

As search engines recognize and index these Paid Link Exchanges coupled with Passive Active Engagements; the past, present and future linguistic syntax of the product values and attributions create a Linguistic Syntax Looping cycle.

The more consumers search and match an Interlock Dynamic product, the range increases creating a continue looping and scaling effect for your ASIN.

This works like a fly wheel driving more exact match search to the ASIN creating a dynamic search and match loop.

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FPP- Frictionless Path to Purchase

Interlock Dynamic distributes ELE, PLE, PAE and LSL code using a Frictionless Path to Purchase.

Our technology works behind the scenes and is embedded into coded assets online.

Using a Frictionless Path to Purchase increases order conversion metrics, rank and ASIN metric elevation.

Consumers simply search for the product based on their regional preferences of what they think, say, type and mean and Interlock Dynamic’s indexed assets will populate the SERP and drive the customer to the exact product match on Amazon.



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RRI- Regional Range Identifiers

Consumers from California speak and search and buy differently than consumers from New York.

We analyze and extract regional linguistic syntax for every state in America to identify high converting phrase and meaning related to the product values and attributions.

Regionally, what consumer’s think, say, type, mean and buy is identified, indexed and distributed online to establish a regional exact match product connection with your ASIN.

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LSM- Linguistic Syntax Mapping

After we identify the Regional Range Identifiers, we evaluate all 52 states and map out the sweet spots and common linguistic syntax trends.

This sorting process reveals bands also known as “ Strata of Data " of common phrase and meanings that reside in the lower part of the long tail of commerce.

Identifying these sweet spots increases match relevancy, conversion rates and increases Amazon SERP inclusions.

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IDM- Interlock Deep Match

This process is ideal when the product is very unique and at the same time has a wide range of product values and attributions.

Interlock Dynamic’s robust linguistic syntax sorting algorithms can identify, reveal, and extract deep product values that match to the phrase and meaning of the product.

The expansion of product range identifiers with deep product matching increases the range of advanced link indexing driving even more direct ASIN connections.

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PMM- Phrase & Meaning Mapping

Most consumer products have countless ways to reference the same product and many times the words used to identify the product have multiple meanings.

If a couple wants to buy underwear online and she says, “ I want to buy some new thongs, her partner will say, your flip flops look fine.” Then she says, “maybe I should get a G-String, and her partner says we don’t have a guitar.” She then says, “ honey you need some new underwear too, let’s get boxers.” Her partner says, “ I prefer Poodles over Boxers.”

Interlock solves this indexing confusion by mapping out the phrase and meaning and indexing the ELE and PAE with correlations that bridge the disconnect between what we think, say, type and mean when searching online to buy a consumer product.

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SMI- Social Media Integration

One of the newer tools that we’ve built at Interlock Dynamic is the use of Social Media Integration.

This massive arena is very effective at connecting with target audiences to present and drive qualified customers to the ASIN.

Some platforms are more effective than others and we are constantly testing and refining our coded assets to leverage these platforms.

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DAP- Distributive Allocation Pos.

Our approach is to locate high traffic areas online and place our coded assets where they will be clicked and convert into an Amazon sale.

Interlock Dynamic uses distributive allocation positioning to place assets in a wide range of online areas from blogs, news feeds, promotional sites and affiliate aggregators.

This approach allows us to select a wider range of linguistic syntax that’s distributed in more areas to evaluate and compare conversion metrics.

This also helps establish the brands social IQ score on Amazon with indexed links that signal brand activity and effort off-Amazon.



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ARE- Amazon Rank E-Scension

As the ELE, PLE, PAE and DAP work their magic online driving sales to your ASIN using a Frictionless Path to Purchase, the aggregate effect of these off-Amazon assets elevates your product rank.

Amazon Rank E-scension is critical to break-in the Amazon Fly-Wheel. By driving qualified exact match traffic to your ASIN, order conversion rates are elevated, sales increase which drive-up your ASIN ranking.

The higher your rank, the more your product is shows in the Amazon SERP. The more your ASIN is shown on Amazon, the greater your odds are at organically matching and converting Amazon customers.

But, to get to this point, you need to break into the upper levels of a product category.

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ARA- Amazon Rank Accelerator

As the ELE, PLE, PAE and DAP work their magic online driving sales to your ASIN using a Frictionless Path to Purchase, the aggregate effect drives more sales to your ASIN.

As the ASIN elevates in rank from Interlock Dynamic, the Amazon SERP presents the ASIN to more buyers creating rank acceleration.

The higher the ranking coupled with consistent demand and positive reviews elevates and accelerates the ASIN in rank, sales, and scale.

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AES- ASIN Elevation Score

Amazon ASINs are scored based on 5 areas:

  1. Computer IQ

  2. Human IQ

  3. Social IQ

  4. Videos and EBC

  5. Links ( Affiliates, Interlocks, Promotions)

In order for Interlock to be most effective, we need to have access to to update and engineer the ASIN to match the Interlock Dynamic process.

Driving traffic to a well engineered ASIN that exceeds Amazon’s compliance standards is very important to maintain consistent sales and scale on Amazon.


PVA- Price Value Assessment

Every ASIN is evaluated and compared to the products in its respected category with a Price Value Algorithm.

This algorithm determines where the price per unit cost is relative to the same products sold to index the product in the appropriate pricing temperament strata.

We are masters of this algorithm and always look for clever ways take advantage of the price value positioning of your ASIN.

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VPA- Value Price Assessment

This tool is the sibling to the PVA, but it inverts the value for price and evaluates the product its product values first.

This algorithm determines the value of the product which is usually related to the historical reviews and aggregate CX score.

This metric has become the secret weapon to take over a highly competitive category by selling the VALUE of the product which matches better to a customer’s search, reduces returns and increases positive product reviews.

What we love about this tool is that it drives the value of the product versus price cutting and is always more profitable than constantly discounting your product to increase sales reducing your profit margin.

EM3- Exact Match Marketplace

This is one of our core Interlock Dynamic tools and we have saved the best for almost last.

Our first to market linguistic syntax e-commerce suite of tools is designed to unravel the complexities of your products value and attributions.

By analyzing, identifying and extracting consumer’s exact match phase and meaning, we are able to index this linguistic syntax online to create a looping effect connecting past, preset and future search to your exact product sold on Amazon.

This tool is a culmination of 11 Interlock Dynamic tools listed above and is one of the crown jewels of our technology.



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IDC- Interlock Dynamic Code

Static QR codes have become the easiest method for consumers to rapidly link to any website, primarily to order food from their favorite restaurant. When consumer’s scan a static QR code, it drives their scan direct to the website embedded into the code without any data signals.

A Dynamic QR code embeds ROBUST INTERLOCK data that signals the active search engine to AMPLIFY the brand values of the product, triggers data indexing of keywords, phrase and meaning plus detects the GEO location and engagement HOT SPOTS, time of scan, frequency and mobile device used to connect the the ASIN.

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ICD- Interlock Code Distribution

The easiest way to deploy an Interlock Code Distribution is to affix ICD labels to your product packaging. It’s immediate and effective.

After the ICD is delivering sales, the Interlock Dynamic Code can be printed directly on your packaging.

We’ve used ICD codes for online promotions, bus stops and even billboards to capture sales and scale driving the consumer direct to the ASIN.

This technology is FANTASTIC for CPG (consumer packaged goods), food products, vitamins and beauty supplies.

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IAP- Interlock Amplify Process

Sharing and promoting your IDC is critical to gain critical mass in sales and scale.

We currently have 5 major IAPs in progress and tracking/measuring it’s effect on a weekly basis.

This is a very powerful marketing tool and we are amazed by the initial conversion rates.

Please let your Awesome Interlock Dynamic technician know that you are interested in learning more about this innovative marketing tool.

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DCS- Dynamic Code Signals

Indexing the key phrase and meanings into the Dynamic INTERLOCKED QR code coupled with regional identification rapidly increases sales and decreases advertisement costs on Amazon by creating a frictionless path to purchase.

The following benefits integrating the Dynamic QR CODE are:

  1. Reduce Advertisement Costs per ASIN

  2. Creates a “Frictionless Path to Purchase” from Search to Buy Button Increases Product

  3. Drives Consumers Direct to Amazon Product ASIN for Conversion

  4. Prevents Amazon from diverting search to a competitor product Identify HOT SPOTS of Consumption

  5. Identify Locations and Conversion Rates of HOT SPOTS

  6. Effortless Re-Ordering Process for Consumables

  7. Establish A/B Testing for Increase Conversions

  8. Eliminates Redirection from Google and Amazon

  9. Amplification of Indexed Product Values

  10. Transfers INTERLOCK data to ASIN to increase CTR, OCR and INDEXING Transfers INTERLOCK data to WEB URL for data indexing

  11. Increases ASIN Metrics from CTR, OCR and CX Score

  12. Generates Linguistic Syntax Looping to increase ELE and EM3

  13. Signals Google Search and Amazon Marketplace to Index Robust Data